Free Imperva Assesment

Prerequisites: Must have Imperva equipment currently installed or about to be installed on your network

Imperva Free Assement

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Aliado can help you transform your capital investments from traditional compliance into an adaptive protection platform for systematically reducing risk.


Prerequisites: Must have Imperva equipment currently installed or about to be installed on your network

Duration: 2 Days

Location: remote only (VPN access recommended…”WebEx” type remote session option available)

Price: No Cost to the end customer

Offering Description:

Free Imperva Assessment – Aliado offers a free assessment for current qualified Imperva customers to enhance your existing public, private, and hybrid cloud security. We work with your existing platforms and solutions to ensures that you have a plan for optimizing your configuration, securing your data and for thwarting threats and securing vulnerabilities before they have a chance to impact your business. Aliado’s Free Imperva Assessment delivers a written plan designed to provide an easy “road map” showing how you can empower your existing DAM and WAF solutions.

Signs You Need Aliado’s Free Imperva Assessment:
  • Your WAF frequently crashes or runs slowly
  • WAF still in learning/passive mode
  • Lack of confidence in your WAF or DAM
  • Blocking Mode negatively impacts your business
  • Your team lacks the resources and/or skills to resolve the above issues
Aliado Solutions